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顾文竹 四年级上册Unit7 How much?(Story time)


四年级上册Unit7 How much?(Story time)

花桥中心小学校 顾文竹




【教学内容】译林出版社四年级上册Unit7 How much?(Story time)






  1. 认知目标

    1)能听懂、会读、会说shoes, socks, umbrella, fan, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty。

    2)能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Can I help you? How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re... yuan. Well done.


1)能听懂、会说、会写单词shoes, socks, umbrella, fan。

2)能用 How much is it/are they?来询问物品价格并用It’s/They’re... yuan.来回答。



1)全体学生能在正确的情境下使用句型:Can I help you? How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re... yuan. Well done.














  Step 1 Greeting and warming up

Enjoy a song and show the learning aims.

  1. Greeting

    T: Class begins. Good morning girls and boys.

    S: Good morning,Miss Gu.

    T:Our school is beautiful.We have many activities here.

     I have some pictures about an activity. Do you want to have a look?

     (Show the pictures)

    Do you remember what activity it is? You can speak in Chinese.


    T:Yes, it’s a charity sale. Read after me:charity, sale.


    T:We had a charity sale.Our friend Su Hai and Su Yang had a charity sale too.

     Can you say something about how to have a charity sale?


    T:Let’s try your best! Get more coins! Are you ready?



    Step 2 Presentation

  2. Guessing game

      T: In that activity,we have three steps. Let’s come to step1: I have a game about the activity. Let’s see what Su Hai and Su Yang sell?

      S: Yes.

    [Rule: Students say:1,2,STOP! Learn the new words.]

    T: The first thing is an umbrella. Learn an板书并带读)

    S:An umbrella.

    T:Let’s spell it.u-m-b-r-e-l-l-a.

    S:u-m-b-r-e-l-l-a.(write and spell)

    T:Let’s make phrases. A ____ umbrella.


    T:We can say:...

    T:Round two:1,2,stop! Who knows?

    S:It’s a fan.

    T:Great! We have learnt this word:can.We change “c”to”f”.It’s a fan.


    T:Let’s write together!

    T:Now.We have learnt “an umbrella” and “a fan”,what will come next?

    Let’s say:1,2,stop!

    T:Look,what are they?


    T:Yes,you’re right.

    S:Learn shoes and socks.



    T:In the charity sale,I want to buy this book. I can say:I’d like this book.but how can I ask its price?

    S:How much

    T:Yes, I can say:How much? Show the title:Unit 7 How much?(板书并带读)

    S learn:How much is it?(板书并带读)

    T: We can answer it,what?Look at the price.

    S:It’s five yuan.

    S:It’s ...yuan.(板书并带读)

    T:Next, I’d like these books.I can ask what?

    S:How much are they?(板书并带读)

    T:Answer it,what?

    S:Twenty yuan. S learn twenty.

  1. S:They’re...yuan.(板书并带读)

    【设计意图:重点句型How much is it/are they? It’s/They’re...yuan.并加以操练。】

    T: We can use “How much is it?It’s...yuan”to ask and answer:a hamburger,a jacket and an umbrella.Who want to be a volunteer? (指一只汉堡) I ask you answer. Exchange.

    We can use “How much are they?Th...yuan”to ask and answer:cakes,socks and shoes.Who want to be a volunteer? (指一双鞋) I ask you answer. Exchange.

     T: Work in pairs.Try to ask and answer.

    T:Do you know how to use “How much is it/are they?”


    Tip:...Ss read together.



    Step 3 Story time

  1. Look and tick

    T: There are some pictures. Please look at the pictures and tick who wants to buy.

    S: ...


  2. Watch and fill

      T: Let’s watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks: they would like what(播放课文动画)

      S: ...


  3. Read and find

      T: Please open your book. Read the story and find out the price in 1 minute.



    Step 4 Reading time

  4. Listen and repeat

      T: Please listen to the tape and try to repeat. Pay attention to the rising, the falling, the stress and the pause.

      T: Can you choose the right meaning of “only”?

      S: 仅仅,只有

      T: Good job!

  5. Read after the teacher.

  6. Happy reading. (choose one way to read)

  7. Read together.



    Step5 Consolidation

  8. Watch a video

    T: I think the activity is very meaningful. Do you know why? I have a video here.(播放视频)

  9. Show a web page of Project Hope

    T: There are a lot of children having trouble in going to school. They need our help. So what should we do?

    S: Donate money, send books...

    T: That’s great. We must do something.


  10. A charity sale.

    T: We can have a charity sale now. There are many things. Please work in group of 4, 2 are sellers and 2 are the buyers. You can use the sentences below:

    Can I help you?

    What would you like?

    How much is it?

    How much are they?

    It's/They're ... yuan.


    T:Boys and girls, you all did a good job. Please remember to use the money and love to help the children in need.



    Step6 Homework

    1. Listen and read the story, try to recite it.

    2. Act the story in groups.










    这节课我上的是四年级上册第七单元How much的第一课时:Story time。我们的知识目标是学习四个新单词:umbrella,fan,shoes,socks。能力目标是掌握买卖的用语。情感目标是引导学生关注慈善事业,培养学生的爱心和奉献精神。


    通过步骤1:收集义卖物品,目的是通过游戏让学生学习新单词。通过步骤2:掌握买卖用语,是为了让学生练习本课的句型,并且能区分单复数。通过步骤3,进入story的学习。设计问题,全面、逐步地让学生掌握Story time的内容,再经过朗读和齐读,让学生能够对文章细节把握住。最后我对本节课进行情感升华,让学生知道在通过义卖能够帮助贫困地区的孩子。最后的反馈和展示环节,让学生运用本节课所学自己组织一场小型义卖,学以致用。